Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Overall Feelings and Accomplishments in Art This Year.

Overall this year in art, I had an excellent time. I had a rough time starting out the year with the project of the "Trash is A Failure Of The Imagination" project because I really didn't have any idea on what to do with any discarded item, and neither did my partner. We also did the "Mosaic Window" project which I thought was the best because it was completely based on what we wanted to do, and it was testing us on how well we could use our time. It was amazing to see how the project ended up turning out, and it made me feel great to be one of the first people finished with that project. Last but not least, our last project was the "Stencil with Icon" project. That project tested me in many aspects when it came down to creativity. This entire year in art, I was a bit nervous in my ability to be able to complete all of the projects clean, neat, and on time but I pulled it off with pride. I was glad that I was able to get this class and I was very lucky and blessed to be in a class that helped me express myself through my art, and to be able to even have the opportunity to be in a great work area that helped me concentrate all the time. Overall, in art this year, it was an amazing time for me and I hope to get art in the near future.

Steps For The Stencil Project.

For the stencil project I began with the idea of using the Virgen De Guadalupe as my icon. I put white stuff that I can't recall what it's called, and I put it all over a wood board. I then used mod podge to glue on the board red, green, and purple tissue paper on, two little squares of fabric, and a white lace that came from a dress. I let that dry and then I began putting more layers on the board to fit the requirements of the assignment. I then did some image transfers for roses that I found in the walls of the art room and also for a phrase in spanish that I thought related alot to the Virgen De Guadalupe, and also my caligraphy word which was, "Grace." I then sprayed with paint the stencil that I hand-cut out of the Virgen De Guadalupe, and I then was finished with my project. I had a great time making this project, and hope to do one again like it to help me express myself in a good way.

Feelings On Stencil Project.

The feelings that I had throughout this entire project was finishing. The project was an amazing way for me to express myself in a completely different way than what I'm used to doing. My beggining idea was to include in my stencil, the icon of The Virgen de Guadalupe. My teacher told me that I needed to be loose and just let the ideas flow to me, but without making my project look like a poster board all nice and neat. That idea for me was challenging to accept because I am a person that is used to doing everything in an "almost" perfect manner. I started to let the ideas flow to me just like my teacher had said, but along the way I had a ton of roadblocks. I had an idea in my head that I wanted to accomplish, but I somehow just couldn't get that expressed through and into my work. By the end of the project, I felt so super happy that I had finished a challenging project for me, but also a great project for me to develop as an artist. All in all, I had a great time working on this project, and I had a great time letting loose with my ideas.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Feelings on Final Product

Feelings: When I was working throughout the project, I felt anxious on how the final project was going to turn out. I must also admit that I also got a little frustrated because at times I felt that I was never going to finish. When I was able to finish the product, I was happy that I jumped up and down and my best friend was with me, so I felt that sudden rush of happiness and satisfaction knowing that I was done and I was also excited that I would finally be able to tell my family that I was finished. When I did the grouting, I felt a little awkward because the grouting was squishy and gross. During the sanding I was happy with the way that it would turn out in the end and during the painting, I felt creative and graceful as I strocked the brush to polish my final window mosaic product. Overall, I loved doing this project, and I feel that I really got to express my creativity through a project that I did all on my own. I felt a feeling of accomplishment, and I hope that somehow in the next project, I will have as much fun and feel the same feelings that I did with this project.

Finished Mosaic Product Before Grout and Paint

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Explanation on Work On Mosaic Window.

When I was begining to do the project, I decided that doing an image on a natural landscape would be nice, and so I took pictures with my camera of many different nature objects. I ended up taking a picture of a flower and when I loaded it up to PhotoShop, I played with the image a little bit until I was able to have a really good close-up of the image and I decided that I would use it because it had great shapes and color to it. I drew it on a transperancy and then I copied it on a copier. I then drew it by hand onto a paper that was 23 and a half by 23 and a half. I painted the paper to match the colors on my small copied piece of paper. Then I chose glass that I started to cut in order to match it to the colors on my paper. I then started to glue down the glass into its belonging shapes. I grouted the window, sandpapered it, and then I then painted my window to give it a more modern and careful look.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Picture Chosen For Mosaic Project.

Reseach Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.scallonart.com/images/a-flower-panel.jpglavenderhillstudio.blogspot.com

Reseach Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.echobueno.viviti.com

Research Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.scallonart.com/images/a-flower-panel.jpglavenderhillstudio.blogspot.com

Reseach Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.featurepics.com

Reseach Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.susanjablonmosaics.com/userfiles/acacia-s...

Research Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.jenniferandfriends.com

Research Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.scallonart.com

Research Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.twittermosaic.com.../

Reseach Pictures For Mosaic.

URL Site:www.jillwlang.com

Research Pictures For Mosaic.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Trash Is A Failure Of The Imagination.

Reflection: What I thought about this project was that it was an amazing experience to work on. It really pushed my barriers of creativity and helped me to be more open minded about the things that I do. This project showed me how to work as a team with another person and helped me to understand that trash can be used for just about anything, as long as you set your mind to it. The work was alot, and I did come in to work on my project in my free time, but overall this project was not only fun, but the finished product looks great and creative. I loved this project and I can't wait until the next project!!!!!!!

Trash Is A Failure Of The Imagination.

Media Used: The media that I used for my project was bottlecaps.
Other Materials: Other materials we used were baskets, fishing string, laminated paper, and scrapbooking string.

URL Sites Used: http://www.artoutofafrica.com/i/Metal,bottlecapbasket2b.jpg

Explaining My Idea

My idea in the begining was to make a hanging fixture of bottlecaps, but then I thought that I should make the idea more interesting, so I thought of doing a basket instead. My partner agreed and we were able to get a basket the following day and Lisa gave us the idea of using the Peyote Stitch to connect the bottlecaps together and we printed instructions on the idea and we started connecting the bottlecaps together into rows of 8. We tied a knot on one side of the basket, and then we twisted the row around the basket and tied a knot at the other end. We ended up making 3 baskets in a row in which they would be used as containers to hold various cosmetics, jewelery, and hair products. Not going far too off from our theme, we used real hair from a nearby hair salon and glued it to paper that we laminated and cut to fit into the boxes. At the end, I sewed the laminated paper to the baskets and we put in the hair supplies and jewelery into the baskets as our final product. In the end, our project turned out a big success after our hard work and dedication.

Photo Of The Finished Product

Photo of Picture In Progress

Trash Is A Failure Of The Imagination

Task:To use discarded items in order to create a piece of sculpture.
Explain The Assignment:-I looked at artists on google images and I found many bottlecap baskets thathelped give me the idea of the baskets that I made.
-The research on the web that I did was searching for images that kind-of matched the idea that I had in my head, and I also researched the Peyote Stitch in order to be able to connect the bottlecaps together and then attach them to my baskets afterwards.
-I practiced using cold connections by using many different methods including (The Peyote Stitch) to connect my bottlecaps together. Then I practiced on how to use the stitched bottlecaps on several items, until I came to the idea of the basket.
-I planned out my idea by first researching the web in order to find a good idea to do, then I drew the idea out on a piece of paper, and then my partner and I started talking about what types and styles of baskets we would use.
-We executed the idea out by getting a basket big enough to get covered by bottlecaps, then we Peyote Stitched the bottlecaps, and connected them together.